Cleaning beach& bonfire - Reisverslag uit Nusa Penida, Indonesië van Beate Lubs - Cleaning beach& bonfire - Reisverslag uit Nusa Penida, Indonesië van Beate Lubs -

Cleaning beach& bonfire

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Beate

17 Maart 2016 | Indonesië, Nusa Penida

After our spare time (which I spent at the beach getting roasted) we had to clean the beach.. So the people on nusa penida don't have a garbage system at all, they literally throw their trash in front of their houses. So you can imagine what the beach looks like. We filled 3 big trash bags with garbage, but it seemed like an unfinished job. The people will throw more trash again anyways. I think they need to pass some laws here for litterling and get a trash system. But to all the people reading my blog, DONT LITTER. Think about the fact that there are turtles who get straws stuck in their noses and eat plastic thinking it is a jellyfish. ( and all the other bad outcomes it has for other animals too.
After the cleaning we had a farewell dinner at the beach (with pasta and as dessert pancakes) it was delicious. Then a bonfire at the beach, we sang songs and played the drums& guitar. It was a really nice evening!

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Verslag uit: Indonesië, Nusa Penida


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Blog over mijn reis naar Indonesië 6-3 tot 11-3 Bali, Ubud 11-3 tot 2-4 Nusa Penida 2-4 tot 30-4 Cikanaga, Java

Actief sinds 07 Maart 2016
Verslag gelezen: 80
Totaal aantal bezoekers 5642

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06 Maart 2016 - 30 April 2016


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